Jason Kiew Photos © 2000, 2001
Welcome to Works of Rapture. Photographic Expression by Jason Kiew Please click on the links on the left to start browsing the various sections. I hope you'll have an enjoyable time here and hopefully learn something from it. Please check back from time to time for new updates. Hi, my name is Jason Kiew and I decided to put some of my works on the web after being very much involved in photography for the 2 years. There is a short description for each of the images showcased here - technical or otherwise. They are there purely for those who may be interested in such data as well as to assist and improve on my photography. I use Pentax equipment exclusively for my image taking and ISO 50, 100, 200 & 400 Slide film, depending on lighting conditions. I also uses Print Film for certain occasions and occasionally shoot Black & White. However due to heavy work commitment, i am considering going part-digital with the Optio 430 which will accompany me in my bag and purchasing the MZ-S as my main body keeping what i need or use frequently. If you're interested, here is my list of equipment. I have also some gear for sale. If you're interested to use any of my images for commercial purposes, please refer to my image portfolio lodged with Image-Dealer. Signup as a buyer and contact them for a quote. You may also want to signup as an image submitter (it's free) , then submit your images and who knows, probably earn some cash in the process! Checkout their website for details. For any comments or suggestions on this site, please email me your comments Happy Browsing. |
Copyright © 2000/2001, Jason Kiew. Materials and photographs on this site and all other related sites are copyrights of the publisher. No full or part of any of the materials and photographs are to be copied and published without the consent of the publisher. All rights reserved.
since Jul 30, 2001. Updated; 01 Aug 2001.
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